Make No Bones About It We're Vegan

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Veganville Brownie and Mousse Winner Announced.. kind Of

Veganville decided to extend Koffee Klotch-"Send us a Dessert and We'll Veganize it for you Contest". We like to be nice and give people a chance to be nice back. We also needed extra time to cull through all two entries. Several people sent us letters explaining why they would not enter the Veganville contest for a chance to win brownies. Below are some of their comments.

1.I hate cooking and baking, hence I do not own any recipes at all.
2.I never write anything down, I make it up as I go. I don't know what a recipe is.
3.I buy pies and frozen cakes from TJ's.The only thing I do is thaw a pie.
4.GiGi has already veganized everything I've thought of.
5.I don't want GiGi's stupid brownies.
6.You suck, GiGi!
7.I do not eat dessert, unless you count Cheeze Doodles. (not vegan, not vegan!!!!!)

The entries were surprising too. Our first entry came from Mark Samu, a runner-up in Veganville's first contest. His wife Lu had framed the last recipe her late mother had given her. Mark snuck the recipe from under the frame, photocopied it and sent it to us when Lu was out tending her garden. We certainly appreciate the effort this contestant has made. We always applaud the macabre here at Veganville too. This is the second oil splotched dead person recipe we have received from Mark Samu. The authenticity certainly made him a contender. Sorry, Mark we've already done a cheesecake, but see who you can dig up-what you can dig up next time.

Our second entry came from a woman who was following GiGi's blog, anonymously. The recipe is for frozen peanut butter pie. Yum. The entrant said she followed all the contest rules and would be particularly nice to GiGi's mother, since she very much wanted to win. The entrant finally told us who she was and that she really wants our freakin' brownies. We have taken it upon ourselves to break her anonymity...
The Winner of the Koffee Klotch - "Send Us a Dessert Recipe and We'll Veganize it for you Contest" and the grand prize of dark chocolate brownies and mousse is:

Queen Elizabeth of Oakland, California.


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