Make No Bones About It We're Vegan

Saturday, August 4, 2012

June Recap In August, Pride and Loaves

I had no intention of blogging today. Yeah, what else is new? You might say. And I would say, shut up, but with an unmean inflection. I came here to look up one of my recipes, and realized, it's been a while. June seemed so promising, then July came and went, just like a few of my followers. Yep I lost followers even after I was granted not one, not two, but three Loveliest Blogger Awards!!! Maybe the award givers left. No, I still see Cadry's face in the follower section. That's a good sign. Thank you, Cadry. You are very lovely too.
Thank you Richa, and thank you Meg-Chickpea. Are you guys still on board? So who jumped ship, anyway?  I guess a jump is better than a mutiny with a box cutter.

I know that there are virtual love fest inspirational blogs out there. Don't pretend you don't know what I mean. You know those blogs with a million followers? Don't pretend you don't. I'm talking about those saccharine blogs where every follower comment goes something like this,  "I love your blog so much. Thank you for your beautiful inner cookie child quote today. If it weren't for you I would have killed myself with glutenous flour. You saved my sucky life with your Marianne Williamson-Louise Hay-Leo Buscaglia- Alchemist plagiarism." Oh Barfy Barf Barf!

Don't get me wrong. I love helping people and I've been known to use a few Cafe Gratitude quotes and affirmations myself. For the most part my blog is sprinkled with prison time and slumlord references. So upward and onward. Lets' not boohoohoo about spilled almond milk and yesterday's followers. I will not conform.

June/July recap:
GiGi delivers to out of town customer who is in town at hotel.
GiGi is very tired after the delivery and Pride Day parade, so orders Vegan pie in.
GiGi makes Waldorf pizza that crazy boy declares is best pizza ever. For Vegan Pie day.
GiGi has an impromptu ice cream party with CB, me and two buddies.
GiGi receives 3 Loveliest Blogger awards, is interviewed for two blogs, has article in Zine.
GiGi loses several followers.
GiGi starts running again, after mega hiatus. Can now outrun box cutters, and rabid boxers.

1. Proud Israelis. 2. Gay Facebook. 3.Queer Buddhists
photo credit: Crazy Boy
Clockwise from left just so you don't confuse me with the vegan deep dish pizza. I once was a dish, but hey now I 'm old and chipped. Bahaha.1.GiGi with bakery box. 2. Bakery boxes. 3. GiGi outside Pickwick Hotel, SF. 4. Zachary's deep dish pizza with incredible marinara and stuffed with Daiya.

One of these babies on the right was in the foil packaging in the collage above. The remainder were on their way somewhere else. That's Sam Sam loaf on the left, punk-in on the right.

I promise to be back soon, armed with an acceptance speech, a thank you to the presenters, ice creme night and an exceptional recipe for Waldorf pizza,and an affirmation you can stick up...

on your mirror. Here's looking at you.



  1. I always love your posts because they aren't all sweetness & sappiness. :)

    I've lost a follower or two here & there, but then again, blogger has unfollowed blogs that I was following. I've had to add so many back in several times now. Frustration!

  2. Welcome back to the land of the blogging! Summer has a way of taking our good intentions and turning them on their ears. (Didn't know intentions have ears? Why do you think they have that enormous earring collection?)

    Sorry to hear about the untimely parting of your subscribers, but at least you have over 450 Facebook fans! That's nothing to sneeze at. (Unless you have a cold, in which case, totally understandable.)

    Congrats on all of the Lovely Blog love! It's much deserved!

  3. Awww, thank you, Molly. That gives me hope, maybe Blogger did it!

  4. Really, I have 450 FB fans,achoo. My fan page has been fluxuating between 447 and 449 for so long I stopped counting.
    They do have a lot of clip on earrings.

    Thank you, Cadry. Much appreciated.

  5. Totally missed you - and I am pretty sure those are the best photos collages ever, and another thing I am pretty certain about is NEEDING that Waldorf Pizza Recipe- sounds pretty genius!

  6. What an adventurous two months you've had, Geegers! :) Don't give so much importance to the number of followers. Those of us who do read your blog regularly, enjoy it twice or thrice as much as we would other blogs. So you actually have whatever number of followers times 3. :)

    Also, I've noticed on blogger that many people subscribe by e-mail rather than hit the 'follow' button and there's no way to keep track of wo has subscribed.

  7. Hi Sundaymorning pancakes! So nice to see you too. Awww thanx for the collage love.
    I am going to post that soon.

  8. You guys are super nice to me. Thank you. Hey Susmithy. That information is good to know.Had no clue. Just having you as reader perks up my day :)
    Now I'm getting all sappy about my readers, just like I said I wouldn't *weeps*

  9. Now, now, Gigi, don't get all anti-sweet just because the sweet blogs have all the followers. If you wanted to be cute and sweet and have lots of followers I'm sure you could do it. After all, you just admitted to getting all sappy over your readers. A little sap here a little sap there — pretty soon you'll have a whole tree-full of followers. (ha ha-tree-sap) But wouldn't you rather just have us — your true followers? But, wait, are you referring to me? Did you think I stopped following you just because I took a little break from the Internet. Nah. Welcome back to both of us.

  10. I am not really a curmudgeon, Andrea. haha I do not want to be sappy all of the time. How' bout a truckload of followers? Wait did you unfollow me, Andrea? After all we've been through together? Welcome back, my friend.

  11. I was on vacation, GiGi, not following or un-following anyone. I was follow-free.
