Make No Bones About It We're Vegan

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A MoFo Calendar Day 4

Day 29, I mean 4- MoFo. You ever see those old black and white flicks where a newspaper spins or a calendar flips to indicate the passage of time? The time never crawls. If it did movies would last 2 years instead of 2 hours, but that's beside the point. I think there should be a MoFo advent calendar. You know with pithy sayings and pictures of pretty vegan tartes and taters, and well, an annual calendar too, which would include me of course, (Just a reminder, I am not a tarte).

Here's an idea for September, "National Vegan Tater Month".
Caption, "Hey This is No Small Potatoes". "Top Your Tubers With Earth Balance, Chopped Chives, and a Dollop of Vegan Sour Cream".

Mrs. Potato Head

Or, "Let's Take August in My Neck of the Woods", (Northern California). It's, "National Save The Climate and Eat Vegan Cookies Month".

summer in Northern Cali

In "National Vegan Cookie Month", I'd remind newbie vegans to forgo real marshmallows, (Horsies), and real white chocolate and tell them they could order these vegan items from  happenin' places like:
Food Fight, 
and Cosmo's,

Of course I'd throw in some delectible cookie recipes and a contest or two. Check back and I'll promise to do both those things during MoFo month. And I'll keep you abreast of the calendar too. See you Day 5, but who's counting?

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