Make No Bones About It We're Vegan

Friday, November 5, 2010

MoFo 5 Veganville Win Cookies Contest!!!

Word on the street has it that there are 599 other MoFoers blogging. My Day 4 MoFo received zero comments. Two days ago I did a MoFoTofu blog and I faired better. I received 4 comments. One was from my sister Heidi, the second comment was my response to my sister Heidi. The third was a sister MoFoer Amanda, (Thank Goodness), and the 4th comment was well, yeah me responding to Amanda. 600 to 4. Okay 2. This does not seem like a winning percentage to me. I've been doing some research. I see that some fellow bloggers are having some real Whoopass contests. All you have to do to enter is write a comment on their blog, and become a follower.
Well by God that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to throw my future followers a carrot and rack up some comments here!

That's right. Leave a comment on my MoFo 5 blog and go ahead add yourself as a follower too, and you are eligible to win a box of Veganville's vegan carrot, "What's Up Doc Voopees", or vegan pumpkin, "Punk-in Voopees" if you prefer. 
What's a Voopee, you ask. A Voopee is not a cake, it's not a cookie, it's got a creamy middle, it's called a Voopee. Contest ends midnight west coast time November 11th.
Contest winner will be announced Friday, November 12.
Good luck everybody!


  1. It can be tough getting comments sometimes...especially if your blog is new like mine!

    I've been checking out a lot of blogs and leaving lots of comments and many people check out your blog in return! Good Luck and those look wicked delicious!!! ;)

  2. Hi Pumpkin, I would like to win the pumpkin. Your carrot Voopees made Sandy cry thy were so tasty and perfect. We shared them with all of our neighbors and veganized the whole town.
    I am also struggling with comments. Power to the Vegans!!

  3. Yea it's tough out there in the blogosphere. So many blogs and when you see another blog getting a million comments and maybe you aren't as amazed by that blog, you wonder Hey! What about me? As a fellow blogger, I'm with you on that one. But then I remember the reason I'm blogging in the first place: It's fun and I love it, and hang on to that.
    Oh, and by the way, pick me! Pick me! I'm been lusting for your voopees ever since I saw the first one on the blog. I keep thinking I'll try to make them and then I don't......Janet

  4. GiGi - win or no win, comment or no comment, there are plenty of us that read your blog, so keep that in mind. Commenting can be a pain but your words are still reaching into the blogosphere. Take heart!

  5. Oh man, those voopees look so freaking delicious. I don't know if I'd be able to pick one!

    Also, as yet another blogger, I have found that having a twitter account helps greatly with increasing my page hits, but most people still don't leave comments. Then again, I rarely leave comments unless I really need to say something. I'll post a link to this contest on my twitter and see if that helps you some!

  6. Yummmmmm pumpkin! haha! Those look amazing!!!

  7. I know the feeling of getting no comments, it stinks! I agree with others that the best way to get comments is to leave comments... that's how I just found your blog! And I found a contest! double score!

    and you're totally right about giveaways, they really bring people out of the woodwork!

  8. Those cookies look amazing! And I feel you on the comments; it can be disheartening to feel like you're posting into a black hole!

  9. GiGi, did you post your giveaway on the MoFo blog? Just go to their home page and on the right is the link where to post.

  10. Hey everybody-
    Thank You so much for your inspiring comments. I will keep you posted on the contest. You are all entered, and I will be following your blogs too (as some of you already know) Vegan Aide- will do! You are all awesome, truly!

  11. I really enjoy finding new blogs to read. I have been wanting to start a vegan blog for years, but have yet to take the plunged. I am always impressed when I find someone who has the drive to do something I have been putting off for so long. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  12. I love cookies no matter what they are! And your blog is awesome! Vegan Aide was right, sometimes I just read things in my feed but don't comment because I'm trying not to spend all night on the internet, or all I'm thinking is "mmm yummy!" which would be silly to post.

  13. Take the plunge, Amanda yiou can do it!
    Awww, Warrior Two thank you for your kind comment.

  14. Thanks for the shout out! It has taken me a couple days to catch up on your blogs. I don't think your lovely cookies are gluten free, so I can't enter the contest- but they look awesome!

  15. There are so many amazing blogs that I have been discovering during vegan mofo so far so I am glad I found yours! These look totally amaazing, I am going to link your blog on my Facebook!!

  16. Thank you Shiawaselife! Backatcha. I just hopped over to yiour blog and it rocks.
    Thank you Amanda. i will be posting something gluten free soon!

  17. They look delicious. want... (really need that afternoon sugar pickup right now.)
