Make No Bones About It We're Vegan

Monday, November 15, 2010

MoFo 15 Throb,Throb, Food, Food

I don't want to get all maudlin on you or anything but I got something funky going on with my mouth. Why now? Couldn't something like this wait until MoFo was over. I need my mouth. My mouth contributes to my senses. I've been so busy that I've ignored the pain and never really took a good look at my mouth until the other night. Some nudnick was going on and on whining and boring the lot of us so I took the opportunity to excuse my self, find a public restroom and explore the inner workings of my mouth. Although the Pac and Save bathroom was not as good as my dentist's office I could tell that I have a tooth growing out of my left cheek. So rather than cook dinner last night I opted for a vanilla vegan milkshake, (my favorite), from Saturn Cafe, and had to forgo the awesome vegan nachos. Soft food is helping a little. Anyway, Saturn Cafe bills itself as, "your favorite vegetarian space age cafe", has a few vegan options and promise to add more. I'm crazy for their shakes and fat fries and chipotle, and wasabi dipping sauces. 

My buddy Marcia is going through a tough time and hanging with me and Larry for a while, so tonight we made comfort food and soft food to satisfy everybody.
I whipped up my fave sweet cornbread recipe, sauteed some mustard greens with lemon and garlic. Larry made mushroomy gravy from Veganomicon, and since I am partial to thick gravy, I made a slurry of 1 tsp cornstarch to 2 tsp cold water and added it to the already prepared gravy and cooked it for about 2 more minutes.

The food was deliciously soothing, however it did not heal this strange molar problem.
Do I look a little weird to you?

He who sleeps feels not the toothache. William Shakespeare

Night. See you tomorrow.                                          


  1. What a pain! I wish you a speedy recovery! (not to be confused with Mr. Rogers' Speedy Delivery, please.)

  2. :-( I hope your mouth/tooth feels better. What a month to not have your mouth! The vegan milkshake sounds good though.
