Make No Bones About It We're Vegan

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vegan Fashion "All Souped Up"

Summer was here for about four days. I'm not sure what autumn is really like in the Bay Area. The days get darker and sadly there's no fall foliage, one of the very things I miss about the right coast. I left this blog half finished and sitting unattended for a couple of days and summer reappeared. I actually shvitzed quite a bit on my 5 mile walk yesterday. Even without the usual ear muffs. Veganville was all excited to start up our soup classes too. I guess we could do cold soup but who knows what tomorrow will bring. The weather gods over here are flummoxed and gazpacho makes me gag. Screw the food. Let's do vegan fashion today. I say it's better to strip or layer than to add an ice cube to a hearty bean soup or boil a vegan vichyssoise. Check out this set of cruelty free fashion. I made it on Polyvore instead of soup.

And oh yes that's a vegan donut.


  1. I can't remember the last time I heard (or read) someone use the word "shvitz!" Now I feel like I'm home again. Those Dirty Laundry boots are too cute. And I love the names of your kitties. Mine are Thelonious Monk and Suzy!

  2. I know, Shvitz is a must for everybody's vocabulary! Thank you for reading and commenting. Thelonius Monk-so cute.
